January 2019 was an especially challenging time in my life. I had just walked through 2018 with many battle wounds and I thought that I was on the upside, but no- things actually got worse. much worse. It would have been easy to have been so hurt, angry and so heart broken that I might never recover from it. But then I remembered two things. Big life changing things… I’ve always instructed my children when they feel like the world might be swallowing them up to turn away from their problem and turn to God by serving others. PERSPECTIVE is a gift when times get tough, and there is nothing better than serving others to get reconnected back to GRATITUDE. So I started volunteering every single day- any time on my hands would be spent serving. I can’t tell you how much processing donations at a local shelter helped me personally process my own emotions; keep this ( it’s valuable) throw that out ( it’s of no use, or damaged) ….it was so beautifully therapeutic just to get my mind off of my own brokenness. During that time I realized that bitterness had no room in my heart, sadness could not reside in my mind and that the greatest thing I could do was to just LOVE. Literally just spread as much LOVE as I could. NOTHING IS GREATER THAN LOVE. I was inspired by my granddaughter Heidi Kate to create a sign with a message for anyone who might by struggling. A message of LOVE and SUPPORT. The HUMMINGBIRD is a nod to my granddaughter because this is what I tell her every time I see her. It’s a message of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. I placed them around her path to school and along the roads that my loved ones travel. Sometimes the signs would fall down, but I noticed that no one ever took the signs- they actually put them back up if they fell and cared for them. That’s when I knew that this message could be shared and maybe change somebody’s day! When you purchase a sign, not only will you be sharing this simple message with your community, proceeds go to the Hummingbird Project Fund. A philanthropic fund to help get this message to as many people as we can; REMEMBER YOU ARE SMART, BEAUTIFUL, BRAVE, KIND, LOVED. It’s that simple!